“Say goodbye to dry AI-generated reports with Assessify.”

Assessment within Performing Arts subjects has always been a challenge. Making it useful and transparent for pupils and informative for parents is often time consuming and frustrating for teachers. But there is another way.

Get ready to transform your teaching with Assessify. This brand new assessment tool has been created from the ground up specifically for Performing Arts subjects. Through a user-friendly interface you can quickly and easily grade work, evaluate student progress and generate detailed reports.

Leveraging the power of artificial intelligence, Assessify streamlines the assessment process for teachers and enhances student learning.

How does Assessify benefit Performing Arts teachers?
  • Accuracy: Ensures fair and unbiased grading of assignments and assessments based on teacher created rubrics (assessment criteria lists).
  • Efficiency: Saves valuable time by automating repetitive tasks.
  • Insightful Data: Generates detailed analytics and reports to inform your teaching, address student needs and support progress.
  • Adaptability: Customise the assessment criteria to match your units, curriculum requirements and most importantly pupil needs. Using the I can statements, which can be used throughout all lessons for AFL, you can ensure that your reports are personable, relevant and helpful to pupils.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Enjoy a seamless and intuitive user experience with no advanced tech knowledge needed.
  • Assesment Bank: Build you own bank of assessments for each year group you teach and tailor the rubrics to match the needs of your children. Keep all of your previous assessments in one place, so that you can review progress easily.
  • Ready Made Spreadsheets:Export detailed spreadsheets for each unit to print and share with colleagues.
  • Get organised!: Be prepared for those pupil progress meetings.
Getting started with Assessify is easy:
  • Sign Up: Create a free trial or purchase a package below.
  • Set Up Your Classes: Add your classes and customise the assessment criteria.
  • Start Assessing: Use our bespoke AI tools to evaluate student performance.
  • Create Reports and Termly Reviews: Create your own differentiated “I can” statements or use our growing bank of ready-made criteria.
Assessify Example Reports:


Pupil Progress Feedback

Report for Parents

Select Plan