Choreography for Guide The Way – our children’s nativity “Guide The Way” for Junior Schools.
Knock Knock
Choreography for Knock Knock – for our children’s nativity “Guide The Way” for Junior Schools.
BandLab- Let’s Get Started Intro
BandLab Let’s Get Started is a piece of new multimedia e-learning software for schools.
Sneaky Creatures
BandLab – Let’s Get Started
BandLab – Let’s Get Started is an exciting, new interactive teaching scheme that brings the world of BandLab for Education to life. With 7 weeks of 1-hour differentiated lessons, complete with multimedia, quizzes, and straightforward assessments delivered from within our app we will help your students make rapid progress.
BandLab for Education is a powerful, award-winning cloud-based music creation software that helps children unleash their creative potential.
BandLab – Let’s Get Started offers a flexible introduction to the software for Upper KS2 and KS3 and guides pupils at their own pace ensuring that every child can make progress. Below is a summary of the learning in the unit and a skill progress summary.
Which devices does it support?
The Learning Platform is available to download and install on PC, Mac, Chromebook and Ipad / Iphone via the Appstore.
How does BandLab – Let’s Get Started, support me with the delivery of lessons?
- All of the lessons and resources are provided in our Learning Platform app, which delivers exciting lessons and includes: slide shows, videos, curated guides and quizzes at every step.
- The dedicated Teacher Resources section of the app contains all the resources the teacher and pupil will need.
- Your license allows you to install the software on as many computers as you need, including the Ipad, iPhone or Chromebook. This app will allow your learners to independently recap on anything they’re not sure of or move on to the next challenge.
- Our forum allows you to connect with other teachers, share your ideas and ask for help.
Let’s get creative!
Learning Pathway & Skills Summary
Guide The Way
Guide The Way is a new exciting nativity written especially for Juniors Schools. Little Star ponders on the meaning of Christmas and asks the Shooting Stars and Bethlehem Star to fill him in on what happened in Bethlehem on that special day. With lots of humour, flexible casting, simple dancing, and catchy songs, this is the perfect start to Christmas.
With a range of catchy music, video dances to follow, interactive lyric software, and flexible casting. This is the Nativity you’ve been looking for.
As with all of the Rhythmstix performances, Sophie Naglik will take your children through the choreography.
Script Preview
Lesson 2 Get Down With The Theory
This is the second lesson in a series on learning the descant recorder. In this lesson you will be learning about the notes on stave and meeting the rhythm family again. Get that recorder out! Next week we will be learning B and G and playing a piece of music.
Lesson 1 – How To Play B on The Descant Recorder.
These are free lesson teaching the basics of the Descant Recorder.
You will meet the rhythm family, learn how to play your first note and start looking at different types of notes.
Please comment if anything is not clear. Enjoy!
Mr R-S
Mr Reich-Storer – Free Recorder Lessons
Free recorder lessons to keep your child busy. More lessons will be added each week.
Keep practicing!