Sneaky Creatures

Sneaky Creatures is a fun song, a favourite with EYFS and KS1 and it’s great with actions. You could use it with a unit on minibeasts – it’s also great for an assembly.

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Guide The Way

Guide The Way is a new exciting nativity written especially for Juniors Schools. Little Star ponders on the meaning of Christmas and asks the Shooting Stars and Bethlehem Star to fill him in on what happened in Bethlehem on that special day.  With lots of humour, flexible casting, simple dancing, and catchy songs, this is the perfect start to Christmas.

Ideal Cast Size30
Possible Cast Size40
Speaking Roles20
Duration (minutes)60

With a range of catchy music, video dances to follow, interactive lyric software, and flexible casting. This is the Nativity you’ve been looking for.

As with all of the Rhythmstix performances, Sophie Naglik will take your children through the choreography.

Script Preview